Uniting the Vision

for Pinal County

Map of Pinal County

(click to enlarge)

Pinal County has become the fastest growing county in Arizona with some of the most exciting possibilities in the country. With so many diverse resources and so much opportunity, Pinal Partnership was formed to bring together all the people and ideas that will ultimately lead Pinal County to its full potential. In addition to monthly breakfasts about timely topics, the Partnership brings together stakeholders to advocate for efforts such as the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) highway improvements designated by the Governments of Pinal County and Pinal County’s Cities and Towns.

civilian labor force

Pinal County Population - 2021


Population Growth (Aug 2021)

Our committees

Economic Development

We advocate for sustainable economic development efforts throughout the region, and to encourage conditions that foster economic growth.

Business Education

We work to foster development and training opportunities for our workforce, by bringing employers and education stakeholders together.

Government Relations

To foster communication and education concerning government and related public affairs within Pinal County and the adjoining regions.

Health & Human Services

To plan, promote, and provide quality accessible healthcare and wellness for all Pinal County residents.

Open Space & Trails

We promote the value of existing and planned parks, trails, public lands and open space.

Renewable Energy

We work to support the adoption of clean renewable energy solutions in Pinal County.


We discuss transportation matters relating to the potential growth and economic expansion of Pinal County.

Water Resources

Our objective is to improve research, planning & coordination of private & public efforts related to infrastructure, natural resources & community development in Pinal County.

Corporate Partners

What business leaders are saying about Pinal County

Pinal County is the epicenter for growth in the Southwest USA, accommodating international manufacturers, worldwide recognized technology start ups and affordable great homes for people moving here from across the country. Having worked tirelessly with the county over the last 15 years to ensure this growth has been and continues to be possible, there is no other place than Pinal County we could have imagined being.

- Jackob Andersen

Upcoming Events

Pinal Partnership breakfast image

Pinal "Partnership Series" Breakfast


SAVE THE DATE: Breakfast Event First Friday of every month in 2025 except July (dark).

The State of Energy in Pinal County: Join us on April 4th for a dynamic conversation on the opportunities and challenges driving future energy needs in Pinal County. Panelists to be announced.

Get in Touch