PhoenixMart may be in deep trouble with the Feds

CASA GRANDE, AZ (CBS5) – PhoenixMart The US Attorney’s office, FBI, Securities and Exchange Commission, and the US Customs and Immigration Service are investigating possible abuses by officials from PhoenixMart, for its involvement in a program that trades foreign investment for US “Green Cards.”

In November, the FBI raided the PhoenixMart headquarters. Most of the investigation is under seal, but documents filed in case PhoenixMart officials brought against the US government in an effort to retrieve confiscated computers sheds some light on the government’s accusations against the company.

PhoenixMart is a development in Casa Grande, which is billed as a product sourcing center, where manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers will be able to connect to buyers. The development is advertised as creating between 8,000 and 10,000 jobs.
