Maricopa residents will vote on city plan

MARICOPA — Residents will get their chance for final comment on the city’s new General Plan in the voting booth.

Last week the Maricopa City Council unanimously approved at a public hearing the draft of the city’s General Plan, placing it on the city’s next general election ballot in November.

During the council meeting, city representatives presented the next steps of the adoption process and outlined plans for ongoing public awareness. The discussion highlighted ways the city will continue to educate the public and make voters aware of what the General Plan is and how it guides decisions to reach the citizens’ vision for the future of Maricopa.

“This was a huge undertaking,” Councilwoman Peggy Chapados said. “The focus now is getting public awareness out there. This is something the public will see on the ballot and it’s important they weigh in with their votes.”

Council members expressed appreciation for the extensive General Plan update process and offered ideas for continued community outreach and awareness.
