Airport plans for new runways

City to apply for federal grant

COOLIDGE — City staff has received the go-ahead from the mayor and City Council authorizing submission of a federal grant application to help fund a $1.7 million project constructing new runways at Coolidge Municipal Airport.

The total estimated project cost is $1,670,635. The Federal Aviation Administration’s part would be $1,521,280 with the city and the Arizona Department of Transportation matching $74,677 each.

The city is almost finished with the design for Taxiways B and B4 rehabilitation and extension.

Rick Miller, interim city manager and growth management director, said the project is essential to the growth of the airport.

“These sections are probably the most deteriorated pavement section you will find at the airport and the conditions are very poor,” Miller said. “There’s a lot of cracking and a lot of material that is loose. Most of our complaints are about this section of pavement.”
