ELOY — Toltec School District Governing Board members officially rejected a recommendation this week for a forced reduction in staff and addressed a budget deficit.

The district administration first proposed a staff reduction July 13 to balance the budget. Since then the district’s internal budget deficit of just over $100,000 has been almost cut in half due to transfers and some staff leaving the district voluntarily.

“We had a teacher non-report to the district, which is normally a bad thing, but as it turns out for this district and the timing, it had a domino effect and turned into a good thing,” Superintendent Jeff Van Handel said during a board study session on the matter Wednesday. That teaching position was filled by a paraprofessional. The paraprofessional whose job might have been cut was transferred to the new opening.

A food service employee who might have been cut stayed on when another employee moved to another district. That left the district with a roughly $68,000 deficit.
