Air quality flags are flying in Hayden and Winkelman


Colored flags are flying, Monday through Friday, at the Town Hall of both Hayden and Winkelman, as well as local libraries and post offices, in a cooperative effort between Town officials and the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Each color represents a different forecast. Forecast area roadside signs on Hwy. 177 are coming soon.

ADEQ is providing this proactive, risk-based air quality forecast as part of a statewide effort
to engage communities in areas not meeting health-based standards, so they can make informed decisions and take precautionary steps to protect themselves and their families.

You can also sign up to receive forecasts by text or email. Options to do so include stopping by your Town Hall, contacting ADEQ by emailing  [email protected] or calling 602-771-2214, or clicking here. To learn more about ADEQ air quality forecasting, visit online.
