Coolidge State of the City focuses on budget, accomplishments

by Joey Chenoweth | Coolidge Examiner

Pinal Partnership President & CEO Harold Christ with Coolidge Mayor Jon Thompson before the State of the City address.

Mayor Jon Thompson touted the work the city of Coolidge has done across the board over the past year, but also spoke frankly about the financial struggles that have persisted.

Fighting a sinus infection, Thompson powered through his State of the City address at the Coolidge-Florence Elks Lodge on Wednesday, an annual tradition where the city’s elected leader briefs the community of all that is going on. He gave a rundown of the accomplishments and challenges facing each city department.

Of prime concern was the city’s budget. State law requires cities have a balanced budget every year, which is difficult when big expenses come about. One such expense is the city landfill that has been closed for some time, but never properly sealed.
