Along the Gila: Bridges, Movies and the Justice Courts

Last week I drove a dozen or so miles from Kearny out to Kelvin to visit the old bridge and see the construction taking place for the new bridge which will run beside it, on the upriver side of the Gila.

The construction work is impressive. Detours have already been cut and paved. Flat work areas have been made. There is equipment on both sides of the river, and a temporary bridge has been erected for construction purposes.

You know, the old bridge is still impressive. It came about when none of the roads were paved, radiator caps rode atop car hoods, and a canvas bag of water was standard equipment. The old bridge has a low, yes stately, beauty. Graceful curves provide well-engineered strength. The bridge is surprisingly wide considering the needs when it was built. I am glad that the bridge will remain as a wonderful connection to the Arizona Trail and as a contemplative place to visit and view the Gila River.
