BOS approves immigration resolution

Unanimous decision facilitated by amendments authored by Gold Canyon resident

by Dana Trumbull | Apache Junction & Gold Canyon News

On Wednesday, August 8, 2018, the Pinal County Board of Supervisors (BOS) unanimously approved an amended resolution concerning immigration policies as they affect Pinal County.

When the BOS originally considered a similar resolution two months ago, the “Rios Resolution,” as it was called, was, in large part, a condemnation of ICE policies separating children from their parents at the border. By the time the resolution made its way to the agenda, however, immigration policies were already in flux, due to judicial and administrative decisions.

After a passionate discussion involving many statements from the public, as well as supervisors, the resolution failed, 3/2, with Supervisors House and Rios in favor; Smith, Goodman and Miller opposed for a variety of reasons grounded in personal, ideological and political viewpoints.
