Facility to Process Bio-Gas from Manure

Bond issuance, contracts approved at Sept. 19 Supervisors meeting

by Dana Trumbull | Apache Junction & Gold Canyon News

On September 19, the Pinal County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the issuance by the Industrial Development Authority of revenue bonds not to exceed $60 million. The bond revenue will finance sewage and solid waste facilities to be constructed near Stanfield.

“The purpose of the facility is to process cow manure and food waste products and generate methane gas, which gets scrubbed and injected into the Kinder-Morgan pipeline for transport to the Los Angeles basin, where British Petroleum contracts to buy the gas. It is then sold and used for transportation systems throughout the LA Basin,” explained Bill Wilder, attorney for the Industrial Development Authority.

Scott Stephanopoulos, construction project manager, informed the Supervisors that the site for the digester plant, “was chosen for the density of agricultural production in the area – the sheer volume of manure produced in a very tight area, between Shamrock Farms, T&K [dairy and feedlots] and the Pinal Feedlots, and also the [proximity to] the major pipelines that run through our county. Add the fact that we don’t see 30 below in the winters – and that Pinal County is both pro-business and pro-agriculture. It was really a perfect location.
