Coolidge, Pinal lagging behind state and nation in internet speed
by Rofida Khairalla | Maricopa Monitor

This map shows the number of wired internet service providers around Pinal County./Courtesy of BroadbandNow via Maricopa Monitor
An independent study shows that residents in the Coolidge area may be getting the short end of the stick when it comes to internet service.
A report developed by BroadbandNow, a data aggregation company that specializes in collecting data on internet coverage supplied throughout the United States, shows that Coolidge is among the cities struggling with reduced internet speeds — with most residents split between two major service providers.
According to the 2018 Internet Access Data Report for the city, Coolidge ranks as the 5,895th most connected city in the U.S. in terms of internet access, ranking ahead of cities like Casa Grande, Queen Creek and Florence.