Miller blasts Pinal water authority

by Heather Smathers | Casa Grande Dispatch

A Pinal County supervisor is concerned over the record keeping practices of a local water authority and wants to know why it has banked more than $1 million.

During a work session Wednesday the Pinal County Board of Supervisors heard an update on the efforts of the Pinal County Water Augmentation Authority. Executive Director Joe Singleton told the board he primarily has been monitoring the efforts of state and national water experts and lawmakers regarding the drought contingency plan and how it can potentially help or hurt Pinal.

The PCWAA is an organization made up of leaders from Pinal municipalities and irrigation districts and works on “water management planning,” according to its website. It receives money from the various entities it works with, such as Pinal County and the city of Casa Grande among others, and also receives funding from the state Department of Water Resources.
