Pinal Partnership February breakfast: water… what else is there?

Pinal Partnership spent our first decade in existence focusing on transportation infrastructure (thank you voters for passing the RTA!) and now we are turning our focused attention to water.  You can’t avoid hearing or reading about the drought, Pinal County farmers and the overall condition of Arizona’s water supply so we have assembled an all-star panel to talk about issues and find solutions. Please join us on February 22nd at Gold Canyon Golf Resort. Register early as this will surely be a sellout crowd!

Doug Dunham, EPCOR
Ron Fleming, Global Water Resources
Bill Garfield, Arizona Water Company
Supervisor Steve Miller, Pinal County
Moderator: Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group


Venue Sponsor




Featured photo is of the Grand Wash Cliffs. They cross the Grand Canyon where the Colorado River enters Lake Mead.

Please consider bringing snack items to donate to United Way of Pinal County’s snack packs for Pinal County residents in need or donate online towards their various community impact efforts! Ideas of snack items include crackers, fruit cups, small cans of tuna or other meats.

Gold Canyon Golf Resort
6100 S Kings Ranch Rd, Gold Canyon, AZ 85218
When: Friday, February 22, 2019
Time: 7:30 a.m. check-in and breakfast, 8 to 9 a.m. program with plenty of time for questions

PLEASE PRE-PAY FOR THE BREAKFAST. We have to guarantee the attendee numbers to the caterer. $20 for members, $30 for non-members. Refund or credit for future breakfast issued upon request 48 hours prior to the breakfast. None given for no-shows.

Click here for more information about becoming a member.

To pay by credit card and be automatically registered, use this secure website. Click Here. I will then send you a confirmation.

If paying by check, send to P.O. Box 904 Florence, Arizona 85132, payable to “Pinal Partnership.”

[email protected]
or 602-459-5265

Thank you to our Platinum Members!