Mayors discuss opportunities, challenges in Pinal
by Heather Smathers | Casa Grande Dispatch

From left Superior Mayor Mila Besich, Maricopa Mayor Christian Price, Florence Mayor Tara Walter, Eloy Vice Mayor Micah Powell, Coolidge Mayor Jon Thompson, Casa Grande Mayor Craig McFarland, and moderator Jordan Rose, Rose Law Group Founder and President
Mayors from several Pinal County cities and towns joined together for a roundtable discussion on challenges and opportunities each face and how the communities can continue to work together on economic development and infrastructure issues.
Meeting at the recently completed Casa Grande Community Recreation Center Friday morning, the mayors weighed in on the most exciting things in their communities and discussed the biggest challenges. Most agreed economic development was the biggest struggle. For example, Mayor Christian Price of Maricopa said in order for his burgeoning city to grow economically, he understands that proper infrastructure needs to be in place.
Also at the Pinal Partnership-sponsored event, Florence Mayor Tara Walter and Eloy Vice Mayor Micah Powell said they have similar economic development hurdles — namely, that their towns are known as “prison towns” and they need to diversify their economic bases. Both agreed the prisons were economic drivers and good partners with the cities, but said growth might be hindered if they’re simply known for prisons.