Queen Creek Town Manager John Kross elected MAG’s management committee chair

Queen Creek Town Manager John Kross, left, was elected to serve as the chair of the Maricopa Association of Government’s Management Committee meeting. (Submitted photo)
At the June 12 Maricopa Association of Government’s Management Committee meeting, Queen Creek’s Town Manager John Kross was elected to serve as the chair.
Providing a key role in the regional decisions facing MAG, the Management Committee analyzes the technical and policy implications of the input received from MAG’s technical committees and makes recommendations to the Regional Council, according to a release.
“This is just one example of John’s fantastic leadership in the region,” Queen Creek Mayor Gail Barney said in the release. “One of MAG’s most important responsibilities is transportation planning and John’s one-year term comes at a critical time as MAG updates the Regional Transportation Plan for Maricopa County.”