Over 150 acres along I-10 in Pinal treated with soil stabilizer to prevent blowing dust
The Eloy Enterprise

Blowing dust along I-10 in southern Arizona can be very dangerous./The Eloy Enterprise via DPS
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality recently applied soil stabilizer to 98 acres of open, or disturbed, desert in Pinal County along Interstate 10.
ADEQ said the “environmentally friendly product” binds together the loose soil, reducing the potential for blowing dust. In selecting these areas for treatment, ADEQ analyzed dust storm origin points and satellite views, visited parcels of land near I-10, and discussed potential problem spots with partner agencies.
By treating the acreage, ADEQ hopes to reduce the shallow dust storms that are created when westerly winds blow across open desert. These channels of dust do not extend high into the sky but can quickly impact visibility for drivers on the highway.