Coolidge council approves infrastructure improvement plan

by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner

Despite some hesitation, as questions regarding a few outdated figures outlined in the initial study arose, the Coolidge City Council ultimately adopted a Land Use Assumption and Infrastructure Improvement Plan that suggests a number of changes to the city’s impact fees in hopes of helping to rev up development.

The study, put forth by fiscal, economic and planning firm TischlerBise, recommends an 8% increase in the total impact fees the city charges per single-family home while zeroing out fees collected for services like library and police. The proposed schedule also reduces the amount of fees collected for fire services.

The council approved the adoption of the overall plan Monday evening, which includes an improved schedule that would raise fees from $6,380 to $6,902. However, Development Services Director Gilbert Lopez noted that the council would not vote to adopt the new impact fees until later on in the year.
