ADOT Draft North/South Corridor Alignment Bypasses County’s Preferred Route

New connection with US-60 good for Apache Junction & Gold Canyon


At the October 2 work study session of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, Andrew Smith, Transportation Principal Planner for Pinal County, presented members with a map of the Arizona Department of Transportation’s draft alignment map for the North/South Corridor Highway. Although the plan incorporates a few of the county’s expressed preferences, it largely ignores the desire of County Supervisors and town governments to bring the transportation corridor closer to the communities that would benefit from the accompanying economic growth and work centers.

In a September 6 press release, ADOT stated, “The purpose of the North-South freeway is enhancing the area’s transportation network to accommodate the current and future population, improving access to businesses and other centers of activity, improving regional mobility, providing an alternative to and reducing congestion on Interstate 10, improving north-to-south connectivity and integrating the region’s transportation network.”
