Interstate 11 Could Be a Big Deal for Pinal County

by Tim Kanavel, Program Manager, Pinal County Economic Development | Golden Corridor Living

One of the things I like to tout to companies when they are looking at either building or relocating to Pinal County is our transportation infrastructure. Look at it like this, by freeway, we are:
• 419 miles to Los Angeles
• 348 miles to San Diego
• 388 miles to El Paso
• 43 miles from Sky Harbor International Airport
• 79 miles to Tucson International Air-port

Interstates 8 and 10 serve us very well.By rail, Casa Grande is served by Union Pacific Railroad. Your freight can be hauled straight to the West and East Coast within days, if not hours.

Sky Harbor and Tucson International have multiple nonstops to destinations where va-cationers or business executives need to go.

When companies see this, they are im-pressed at the ease they can get to places from Pinal County.
