Marana parks and recreation seeks input on 10-year plan

by Hannah Tiede | KOLD News 13

As Marana grows, some residents said they hope green spaces don’t disappear. So, the Parks and Recreation Department is asking families to help them put together a 10-Year Master Plan.

“What we want to know from people is ‘How are we doing are job? Are you happy with the services provided? And, what would you like to see more of?’” said Jim Conroy, the director of Parks and Recreation for the Town of Marana.

Marana is growing at a rate nearly three times the state average. With nearly 50 miles of paved trails, 30 miles of hiking trails and 11 parks, the town is already lagging behind communities of similar size, such as Prescott, which has nearly double the parks and more than 110 miles of trails.
