Mayor Cites Attractions, Growth and Development

State of the City Delivered on February 12

Mayor Jeff Serdy (standing) parised the “many volunteers” and “awesome staff” for the signature events in Apache Junction. Sitting, L-R: AJUSD Superintendent Dr. Krista Anderson, AJ Idols “Fan Favorite” Cole Denham and Mishka./

Spotlighting the numerous things people can do in the city, as well as updating some important projects within the city, Mayor Jeff Serdy delivered his final State of the City speech on Feb. 12 at the Apache Junction Performing Arts Center on the Apache Junction High School campus.

Serdy delivered updates to key city and regional efforts before a crowd of nearly 150 at the auditorium in his third such event. Serdy is serving his second two-year term as mayor, but has announced he would not seek a third term in the 2020 election.

In the presentation on Feb. 12, Serdy spotlighted the special events and many achievements in the city over the last year and introduced two videos produced by marketing and communications specialist Matthew McNulty: one outlining the city’s special events and another covering five projects that are currently underway, building toward the future.
