Central Arizona College COVID-19 Closures and Student Information

[NEWS RELEASE] The College campuses will be closed to the public with essential services moved to online, telephone, or virtual formats

Central Arizona College has been closely monitoring Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). To protect the continued health and safety of faculty, staff, students, and community, the College campuses will remain closed with a majority of services moved to online, telephone, or virtual interactions until further notice.

Central Arizona College has no confirmed cases, but Pinal County has seventeen (17) confirmed cases of COVID-19. However, our concern is, and always will be, the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff.

The College is eager to return to normal business as soon as the risk to those around us has been reduced to the levels that can be accommodated by the nation’s health care system. By taking these steps now, our goal is to resume our regular schedules for the fall semester.

Beginning, Wednesday, March 25, all instruction will take place online for the remainder of the semester. Students in programs requiring lab components will receive instructions from faculty teaching those courses on or before Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

Students who may need access to technology should monitor the College website for information about hours and access to services such as borrowing laptops.

Campus Services

Unless otherwise directed, the following services will be suspended or moved to an online, telephone or virtual format:

  • Food service, including catering and all Micro Markets, will be suspended.
  • Residence halls will remain open to those who must be on campus. Social distancing arrangements will be made. Modified food options will be provided to these students.
  • Students electing to move out of the residence halls will be provided with an opportunity to schedule a specific day/time with Residential Life staff. Scheduling will enable the College to assure social distancing during the process.
  • Access to the bookstores, library services and Learning Center assistance will be provide online, via telephone, or other virtual format. Please check the Colleges (College website or College’s website) website for details.


All academic and student events scheduled through the end of the semester are canceled unless conducted in a fully virtual format. This includes club and organization (SGA, SAC, Phi Theta Kappa, etc.) meetings and events, as well as Student Academic Awards, nursing pinning, and graduation. The College is exploring options for conducting the Student Awards Ceremonies and graduation in a virtual format.

Student employment and financial aid

  • Student employees – your supervisor will reach out to you to discuss your employment.
  • The financial aid staff will be available to answer questions via telephone or email.

Campus Meetings

In alignment with CDC recommendations, all campus meetings and events exceeding ten (10) people are canceled or postponed unless conducted in a fully virtual format.


Employees are strongly encouraged to continue working from home, and should work with their direct supervisor for modified work schedules and arrangements.


All travel, in-state and out-of-state, is suspended until further notice.

Ongoing communication

Because this situation changes daily, please continue to monitor email, Facebook and the College’s website. All official College communication from the administration will be directed through the division of Public Relations. Decisions will be based solely on official reports from the CDC<https://www.cdc.gov/>, the Arizona Department of Health Services<https://www.azdhs.gov/preparedness/epidemiology-disease-control/infectious-disease-epidemiology/index.php#novel-coronavirus-schools>, and the Pinal County Health Department<https://www.pinalcountyaz.gov/publichealth/Pages/home.aspx>.