Casa Grande, county to widen Thornton Road to 4 lanes south of SR 84

The orange line indicates Thorton Road from SR84 to I8. via Google Maps
A stretch of Thornton Road between State Route 84 and Interstate 8 may soon get a makeover.
The Casa Grande City Council unanimously approved Monday, in a surreal meeting that had all of the council members except the mayor voting by phone, an agreement with Pinal County to widen Thornton Road to four lanes with a median between SR 84 (Gila Bend Highway) and Interstate 8.
The same motion approved a contract with Horrocks Engineers to design the project at a total cost of $1,587,500. The city will be responsible for 56% of the cost and the county for 44% of the cost of the design.
The roadway has become a major traffic corridor in the southwestern part of Casa Grande, said city Public Works Director Kevin Louis, who was one of four staff members who attended the meeting in person. The area has seen a noticeable increase in industry along the roadway in the last few years including: Lucid Motors new plant, Walmart Distribution Center, Tractor Supply Distribution Center and LKQ Corporation auto parts recycling.