Casa Grande P&Z Approves New Holiday Inn
Despite a recent sharp decline in Arizona hotel occupancy and temporary closures due to COVID-19, plans for a new Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center are making their way through the City of Casa Grande.
Casa Grande’s Planning and Zoning Commission recently approved a request for a Planned Area Development amendment to allow hotel and convention center uses on a 4.65-acre site at 238 N. Camino Mercado, within the Casa Grande Crossings PAD. A major site plan/final development plan for the project was also approved.
According to the project documents, the full 17-acre site is known as “Parcel 10” and was split into two parcels several years ago. The hotel is being proposed for the smaller portion of Parcel 10 also known as 10-A. “The larger portion of Parcel 10 [10-B] is the intervening lot between the developing parcel and Camino Mercado,” the documents state. “An access drive will extend through this parcel to provide access to the hotel parcel.”