I-10 widening between Casa Grande and Chandler could begin in 2023
by Andy Howell | Arizona City Independent

Westbound Interstate 10 traffic was backed up for several miles on April 20.
ADOT (2019)
Work on widening Interstate 10 between Casa Grande and Chandler could begin as early as 2023, according to the state’s newest five-year highway construction plan.
According to the Arizona Department of Transportation’s tentative 2021-2025 transportation facilities program posted for public comment Thursday, $50 million is budgeted for the widening project in the 2023 fiscal year.
“The $50 million programmed by ADOT in Fiscal Year 2023 is for the start of construction,” said Laura Douglas, ADOT’s community relations project manager. “The study for this section of I-10 is still ongoing at this point.”
The complete report, along with an online comment form, can be found at azdot.gov/tentative5year.