Mining industry adjusts to COVID-19 protocols

A view of Resolution Copper’s Headframes.

In the mining industry, safety is a top priority even when there is not an active global pandemic.  Local mines Resolution Copper and Capstone – Pinto Valley shared some of their latest protocols to ensure their work force and their communities stay as safe as possible through the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Mining remains an essential service and operation in Governor Doug Ducey “Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected” Executive Order.

Without a doubt, each of these mines are following the CDC and State protocols for following physical distancing, disinfecting high touch/high traffic areas and of course encouraging hand washing as much as possible.  Staggering lunch times and breaks to keep groups from congregating together, allowing as many staff to work from home as possible has also become a new normal for both mines.  Employees are encouraged to stay home if they are not feeling well.

Obviously, many jobs in mining cannot be done from home so both companies must balance having enough staff on site to do the jobs safely and ensure that physical distancing can occur to avoid any unintentional spread of the virus.
