Nikola breaks ground on $600 million manufacturing facility in Coolidge

Trevor Milton, Coolidge Mayor Jon Thompson, GRIC Governor Lewis and Mark Russell breaking ground at the Nikola manufacturing facility in Coolidge on July 23, 2020. Pinal Partnership photo
Nikola Corporation, a Phoenix-based global transportation leader in zero-emissions and infrastructure solutions, is one step closer to bringing a 1 million-square-foot manufacturing facility to Coolidge, Ariz. following an official groundbreaking ceremony on its approximate 430-acre parcel.
The ceremony included speakers from Nikola’s executive team Trevor Milton, founder and executive chairman; Mark Russell, CEO; and Mark Duchesne, global head of manufacturing. Coolidge Mayor Jon Thompson along with business leaders Chris Camacho, CEO of Greater Phoenix Economic Council; Jackob Andersen, CEO, Saint Holding.
“This has been an incredible journey for Nikola Corporation. We started in our basement six years ago and now we are kicking off this 1 million-square-foot manufacturing facility,” said Trevor Milton, Nikola founder and executive chairman. “The residents of Coolidge will be a huge part of the Nikola story and without the help of Governor Ducey and the Arizona economic development teams, this project would not have been possible in Arizona. These next 12-months will be even more exciting as we see this facility go up and as we add more Arizonans to the Nikola team.”