Queen Creek Town Council to discuss rezoning 190 acres at Ellsworth, Chandler Heights

Town Council is slated to hold a public hearing and vote on a request from Shaine Alleman of Tiffany and Bosco, on behalf of Taylor Morrison, for a Planned Area Development rezoning to allow for future residential development./Town of Queen Creek

Rezoning 190.4 acres at the northwest corner of Chandler Heights and Ellsworth roads for a Taylor Morrison housing subdivision will be discussed at the July 15 meeting of the Queen Creek Town Council.

The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. July 15 in the Community Chambers, 20727 E. Civic Parkway.

Following the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to avoid gatherings of 10 or more people, physical attendance in the Council Chambers will be limited to members of the Town Council and necessary staff.

Public access to the Town Council meeting is to be at QueenCreek.org/WatchMeetings.
