Mayor shares good news on Maricopa roadways

“MORE GOOD NEWS: Roadways in Maricopa are expanding,” Mayor Christian Price said./inMaricopa
Mayor Christian Price provided the public with more news regarding roadwork in the city in addition to work being done on State Route 347 in September.
In a post on his Facebook page, Price highlighted the expanding roads in town as well as the completion of the low-water crossing at Bowlin Road, which initially was not supposed to be finished until Christmas 2021.
“For those of you that live or frequent the Tortosa, Sorrento, Rancho Mirage areas, the Bowlin Road connection, low water crossing and paving will be open WAY ahead of schedule and will be officially open this Saturday, Aug 22,” Price said. “Major kudos to our streets team that moved this project along! This will be a much-needed connection corridor for the east side of Maricopa.”