Rittenhouse Road open with new bridge over Queen Creek Wash

In order to widen Rittenhouse Road, the bridge over the Queen Creek Wash had to be removed and reconstructed./Arianna Grainey
Improvements to Rittenhouse Road continue as one of the town’s major roadways is widened to two lanes in each direction.
In order to widen Rittenhouse Road, the bridge over the Queen Creek Wash had to be removed and reconstructed. The roadway and bridge are being completed as two projects to increase efficiencies while maintaining costs, according to a release.
The new bridge, a partnership with Maricopa County, was recently completed, with two lanes in each direction, sidewalk, bike lanes and a center median. The bridge also includes an 11-barrel concrete box culvert to accommodate rain events. Access for trail users is provided under Rittenhouse Road, an important safety component.