Alluvion Solutions for Business Continuity

How would your business be affected if your communication assets failed? Without a recovery plan in place, even a routine issue could result in loss of revenue. A more severe outage might render your business out of commission completely.

[NEWS RELEASE] According to a study by the Hartford Financial Services Group, 43% of businesses that experience a disaster and have no emergency plan never reopen. Of those that do reopen, only 29% exceed two years. Simply put, a business continuity plan is critical to the long-term survival of your business.

Your phone system is the cornerstone of your business continuity. Many businesses house their phone systems at their premises through a Private Branch Exchange (PBX). A major weakness with this approach is that a localized event (power outage, connection cut, weather event, etc.) can render the PBX incapacitated as all calls to or from the business must pass through it.
