Youth ‘stepping up’ in Coolidge politics
by Jeff Jackson | Coolidge Examiner

Diana Guerrero, left, and Eric Daniels/Submitted with Coolidge Examiner
A couple of almost 20-year-old Coolidge residents are experiencing the year of their young lives in 2020 and soon will be making some very mature decisions affecting and shaping their community.
Eric Daniels was elected Aug. 4 and will become Coolidge’s youngest city councilman and the state’s youngest active elected official when he is sworn in Nov. 23, although his first meeting as a voting councilman will occur on Dec. 14.
Then for the Coolidge Unified School District, Diana Guerrero is likely to join the Governing Board at the Jan. 13 induction ceremony. She is one of three candidates running for three seats in the Nov. 3 election, after Adriana Saavedra told PinalCentral she was no longer interested. Guerrero is also the only candidate who is not a write-in.