Maricopa bids farewell to Councilmember Brown and Councilwoman Gusse and welcomes new members Liermann and Marsh

[NEWS RELEASE] The Maricopa City Council honored Councilmember Marvin Brown and Councilwoman Julia Gusse before swearing in newly elected councilmembers Amber Liermann and Bob Marsh during last night’s City Council meeting.

Brown and Gusse received multiple tributes from fellow members of Council and delivered a heartfelt presentation to the crowd before relinquishing their Council seats.

“My wife Helen encouraged me to join the Council,” Councilmember Brown said. “Even when the sessions lasted until 2 a.m., I couldn’t ask for a better wife to support me. I’ve always loved Maricopa and I truly appreciate the honor to serve.”

Following the fond farewell, the recently elected councilmembers individually took the oath of office, administered by Judge Lyle Riggs.

In a unanimous vote, the City Council selected Nancy Smith to serve as Vice Mayor for a second year.

Councilmembers Liermann and Marsh will hold their positions until their seats come up for re-election in 2024.