Field Trip Friday: Get to know the City of Maricopa
by Jessica Goodman | 3TV/CBS 5

On this Field Trip Friday, Good Morning Arizona is checking out key landmarks around Maricopa, Arizona. Maricopa is separate from Maricopa County. It is actually in Pinal County just 35 miles south of the Valley.
Maricopa’s Mayor Christian Price says the city is a younger one than then majority of Arizona cities – it about 18 years old. It started with 1,200 people in 2000 to now to around 55,000 people.
“When you’re an 18 year old city, you haven’t had the time to put all of the things in that other major cities have, and so it’s coming. But but that’s part of the fun of it is that you know, really, we’re doing things for the very first time, and in ways that have never been done before,” says Price. “And so we are kind of just on this accelerated pace. It’s kind of like running a a Sprint, and we’re in an all out dash here, and so it’s it’s coming. If it’s not here yet.”