Pinal Partnership August Government Relations Committee meeting recap: Redistricting and Infrastructure Bill
Pinal Partnership Government Relations Committee (PPGRC) meeting, Co-Chairs Rebecca Timmer with Wilson & Company and Ben Bitter with the Town of Florence, hosted presentations regarding Legislative Redistricting Plans and the Federal Infrastructure Bill making its way through Congress.
Bob Holmes of Nexxus Consulting opened the meeting with an overview of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Summary highlighting the following:
Federal Infrastructure Package includes 550 Billion in new spendingSeptember 30th deadline for both Senate and House bills unless extension approvedPer Fast Act house bill is first with earmarks for transportation authorized and appropriatedIncludes 3 billion increase in airport improvement programIncludes 66 billion to Amtrak with funds directed to Phoenix/Tucson connection
See the complete 129 page summary provided by Holmes by clicking here
Tony Smith, President of Pinal Partnership, provided an overview of the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) for Revising the Legislative and Congressional Districts with timeline as follows:
•IRC completed statewide “Listening Tours” on August 9th
•Sept 15th – Consultant delivers to IRC one or more “Gridmaps” which are the starting point for drawing new CD and LD districts. Gridmaps contains equal population and compactness of districts
•Sept 15th to Oct 8th – 23 day public review and comment period. Using a free online app, the public can modify the original gridmap to create their own scenarios
•Oct 18th to Oct 27th – Consultant will present first draft maps to IRC containing possible Congressional and Legislative Districts
Tami Ryall, representing Pinal County Government Relations, gave an update on the initial census data that will drive the next phase of redistricting analysis, with block level compilations to be complete by September 30th 2021. You can view Tami’s full presentation here.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, 2021 via Zoom. Committee meetings are open to all members of Pinal Partnership. Please contact Rina Rien if you would like information to join the committee and/or join as a member of the Partnership.
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