August 8, 2022


 Learning Blade (AZ OnTrack) Presentation – Erin Coker, Senior Education Specialist, Generation Schools Network

    • School Roll-out Suggestions
    • Connections to Industry Partners
    • Program is free in AZ for the 22-23 school year with potential to extend grant beyond this school year
    • 5th through 9th grade target
    • Joel V. suggested this committee could put a list together to connect teachers with industry experts to provide Learning Blade support
    • Erin’s email:
    • Click here to view recorded video presentation
  • Lucid Motors Middle School Programming Update
    • Teacher Workshop- September 30, 2022 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    • Teachers will be paid a stipend from a grant
    • Rina to reach out to James Daniels for video coverage
    • Curriculum/Pathways
  • 2022 Business Education Summit (November 5th, San Tan Valley CAC)
    • Topics (Arizona Regional Talent Networks)
    • Earlier career exploration down to 5th grade a common comment at both the Summit and Challenging the Status Quo table talk
    • Connect the dots type of theme
    • Format
  • Items from Committee Members:
    • Ana Vargas from Resolution Copper will provide Diamondbacks Partnership info for stem program participants

NEXT MEETING:  Monday, September 12th at 3:00 p.m.