Co-chairs Richard Rosales and Rebecca Timmer introduced committee and Liz Goodman, lobbyist for Pinal Partnership.
Liz Goodman and Cole Libera are leading the lobbying efforts along with support from their team member Destiny Ruiz.
- Cole summarized we’re 72 days into the session, with 1,677 total bills introduced. The majority have not progressed and a couple of hundred are in process.
- Last week for bills to be heard, with the exception of appropriations committee extending into next week.
- 2 bills signed, one vetoed by Governor thus far.
- 100-day session is goal, but will likely go further due to budget discussions
- HB 2933 appropriates $500,000 in funding to veterans’ non-profits in Pinal County
- HB 2201 wildfire bill was discussed, and Pinal Partnership is monitoring. Requires all utilities to file wildfire mitigation plans and is opposed by trial lawyers because it limits liability. Amendments have been made, and it passed out of committee.
- HB 2774 energy bill for small modular reactors is being supported due to increased diversity of energy options.
- HCR 2021 is the amended food tax bill that reached compromise. Pinal Partnership will monitor, and the committee will continue to support local control. Striker SB 1208 Sections 61-64 raise compliance issues on striker bill and have created new controversy:
Comments from the committee:
- State Route 24 and eastern extension appropriations were held off in 2024 and was expecting a strike amendment, but the underlying sponsor did not agree. Queen Creek is meeting with the sponsor and working on the next steps.
- A potential letter of support was suggested to cover all the transportation requests affecting Pinal County which could be circulated during the budget process. Include LD 12, Riggs Rd. as it is in Maricopa County but impacts Pinal. Heather Wilkey offered to draft and circulate to committee before submitting it to Craig for action.
- Starter Home HB2371 and SB 1229 removes regulation, density and design control by cities. The Governor now wants municipal population limits down to 30,000. League of Cities is opposed but builders/developers are supportive which creates controversy for PP to take a position. The committee agreed to not sign in at all but monitor starter home bill for now and Liz will follow up with Craig and Executive Board to confirm consistent with their position.
- ADOT notified Maricopa that the SR 347 is underfunded by $40 million and uncertain funding for roads and infrastructure exacerbate the drive to remove density restrictions under the starter home bill.
Summary on Water:
- AG to Urban is stalled currently. Legislation is getting closer to what the Governor will support. The number of years (3 to 5 vs. 1 to 5) land not farmed and acre feet of credit are still being negotiated by the agricultural community and homebuilder litigation against ADWR rule-making process is stalling the legislation.
- CAP has concerns on any additional regulations on groundwater. On all other water bills, CAP is aligned with Pinal Partnership positions already taken.
- HB 2753 adds Pinal into replenishment districts has a “poison pill” amendment by the Homebuilders Association. The Governor will not sign the amendment, and this is high priority to proceed.
Both the Water Resources and Government Relations Committee will continue to work with the Pinal Partnership lobby team and leadership to evaluate legislation important to Pinal County and our membership.
The next Pinal Partnership Breakfast is April 4th at Viney Jones Library in Florence will cover the State of Energy in Pinal County.
The next PPGRC Meeting will be on April 22nd.
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