SR 347 Scoping Study Open House at City Hall Oct 1st

[NEWS RELEASE] Maricopa City Hall to host an SR 347 Scoping Study Open House on Tue, October 1st from 5-7 p.m.

SR 347 is becoming increasingly congested from Interstate 10 (I-10) to Peters and Nall Road, as it offers the most direct option for commuters traveling between the City of Maricopa and the Phoenix metropolitan area. It also provides critical ingress/egress for the continually expanding Wild Horse Pass development area in the north, serves as the primary business and commercial corridor through the City of Maricopa, and is the primary regional access route to the Ak-Chin Indian Community and its entertainment district in the south.

The Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) is conducting a scoping study in cooperation with member agencies to allow for timely improvement of the corridor.  The primary work product will be a recommended plan to provide a safe and reliable SR 347 corridor that supports forecast growth.  Improvement strategies will be identified to address the following goals:

  • Optimize Travel Time
  • Improve Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Future Transit Mobility
  • Improve Safety
  • Optimize Compatibility with Existing and Future Land Adjacent to the Corridor
  • Optimize Environmental Outcomes
  • Respect Stakeholder Interests
  • Maintain Current Easements

The plan represents the initial step towards future detailed engineering design and environmental studies to allow for construction of a set of recommended improvements in the corridor.