South Mountain Freeway’s new interchange allows better access to Wild Horse Pass

ADOT via PinalCentral
The South Mountain Freeway’s first new interchange at 40th Street has opened, a step forward for the state’s largest-ever freeway construction project.
The interchange is ready for traffic less than four months after 40th Street closed south of Cottonwood Lane to allow construction of the new interchange.
At 92 feet wide, the interchange has nearly double the capacity of the previous intersection of 40th Street and Pecos Road. It will have two southbound lanes that will continue south of the freeway, two left-turn lanes to eastbound Loop 202 South Mountain Freeway, and a right-turn lane to westbound Loop 202. There also are two northbound lanes, with a left-turn lane to westbound Loop 202, and a dedicated northbound left-turn lane into the Park & Ride parking lot.