Ducey in Pinal touts economic growth, I-10 bridge widening

The money for widening Interstate 10 is coming, Gov. Doug Ducey assured Pinal Partnership members Tuesday morning.

“Our budget puts the pedal to the metal on one of the most important highway projects in the state — widening I-10,” Ducey said.

The governor spoke at the development-government organization’s monthly meeting at Robson Ranch in Eloy. He highlighted several initiatives from his 2021 budget including funding to widen I-10, the closure of Arizona State Prison Complex-Florence, Pinal County and the state’s economic growth, concerns over the water supply in Pinal County and the spread of the coronavirus.


Related: Governor Doug Ducey to Pinal Partnership

If you’re interested in more information about joining Pinal Partnership as a member, please email [email protected] or click here to view the various opportunities. 

Thank you to Alluvion Communications and Pinal County for the pictures!