Progress continues on San Carlos canal lining
by Joey Chenoweth | PinalCentral

These photos show a portion of the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District canal system before and after it was lined with concrete./Submitted photos via PinalCentral
Progress continues to be made lining the canals that bring water to many Pinal County farms.
The project is undertaken by the San Carlos Irrigation and Drainage District, which represents the farmers who receive water from the Gila River, along with the Gila River Indian Community. It is lining the soil-bed canals with concrete so water doesn’t soak into the earth. It also allows the district to better control the speed of the water flowing from Coolidge Dam to the farms.
SCIDD General Manager Shane Lindstrom said this past year saw the completion of Phase 2 of the first reach of canal. That covers 4 miles in northern Pinal County going from the Gila River to an area north of Florence. Best of all, he said, that phase came in on time and under budget.