Maricopa P&Z approves Hogenes Farms development off SR 238

by Katie Sawyer | Maricopa Monitor

A zoning change for a large, 528-acre master-planned community was approved by the Maricopa Planning and Zoning Commission on June 28.

The land, which was formerly Hogenes Dairy, sits just south of State Route 328 and west of future developments McDavid Estates and Estrella Gin Business Center. Previously the land was zoned as industrial, but it was recommended for a rezoning to a planned area development at the Monday meeting.

The request was made by Marbella Homes on behalf of Hogenes Farms, and representatives gave new details on what the property will become if approved by the City Council. In the first two phases of development, 812 single-family homes are to be built on 232 acres in the southwestern portion of the property at around 3.5 units per acre. Phase 3 would see the northern portion of the property completed in a mixture of housing and commercial or office space.


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