New homes come to Coolidge

New homes come to Coolidge by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner With the housing market slowly making a comeback, Coolidge is starting to experience some long awaited growth. The rise in building permits comes after a period of time with very few to almost no...

CUSD to investigate a potential override

CUSD to investigate a potential override by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner The Coolidge Unified School District is debating the idea of going out for a budget override in this year’s election cycle. At last week’s Governing Board meeting, members of...
Large flow of city money key revenue for Artisan Village

Large flow of city money key revenue for Artisan Village

Large flow of city money key revenue for Artisan Village by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner The Artisan Village of Coolidge has become a topic of growing concern for a group of veterans and their supporters since Military Honor Park founder Oscar Rodriguez was...