Pinal Partnership News
Pinal Partnership Posts:
Grocery chain submits plans to build new store in CG
Grocery chain submits plans to build new store in CG by Gabrielle Olivera | PinalCentral Aldi, a grovery store chain, has submitted plans to the city Planning Department for review./City of Casa Grande Aldi, an international grocery store chain, has submitted plans to...
Queen Creek offers big break for food truck owners
Queen Creek offers big break for food truck owners Town drastically cuts costs for mobile food vendors to do business by Janet Perez | Daily Independent Queen Creek Feastival It’s now easier and less expensive for a food truck owner to operate in Queen Creek. At its...
Florence council complains to EPCOR of odors, potential rate increase
Florence council complains to EPCOR of odors, potential rate increase by Mark Cowling | Florence Reminder & Blade Tribune EPCOR spokesmen said customer satisfaction is markedly higher since their company took over operation of the former Johnson Utilities, but...
Hawes Trail Alliance Announces Partnership with Invitation Homes to Increase Access and Enjoyment of Sustainable Trails for Arizonans
Hawes Trail Alliance Announces Partnership with Invitation Homes to Increase Access and Enjoyment of Sustainable Trails for Arizonans Invitation Homes to Support Hawes Trail Alliance “Master Trail Plan” Through Three-Year Partnership from Facebook [NEWS RELEASE]...
Council discusses budget for upcoming year
Council discusses budget for upcoming year by Maria Vasquez | The Eloy Enterprise There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to trying to figure out trends that could impact Eloy’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Many are out of the city’s control such as the...
Sheraton Wild Horse Pass completes Phase 1 of $70M renovation
Sheraton Wild Horse Pass completes Phase 1 of $70M renovation AZRE Above: Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass. Located in the Sonoran Desert on an expanse of rugged Arizona landscape, Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass (5594 W. Wild Horse Pass Blvd., Phoenix, AZ)...
Pinal considers running Maricopa’s Family Advocacy Center
Pinal considers running Maricopa's Family Advocacy Center by Mark Colwing | Maricopa Monitor The Maricopa Family Advocacy Center was started by the city in order to provide services closer to home./Submitted Being more than an hour away from either of Pinal County’s...
County ponders new tactics against illegal dumping
County ponders new tactics against illegal dumping by Mark Cowling | Florence Reminder & Blade Tribune Illegal dumping on vacant land is an issue code enforcement seeks to address, but prosecution is difficult. Rofida Khairalla/PinalCentral (2020) The Pinal County...
Eloy PD building nearing completion
Eloy PD building nearing completion by Maria Vasquez | The Eloy Enterprise Nearly five months after the old Eloy Police Department building was demolished, the second portion of the new public safety building is nearing completion. On Monday afternoon the Eloy City...
KB Homes buys 277 lots in Casa Grande for $6.5M
KB Homes buys 277 lots in Casa Grande for $6.5M AZRE KB Homes bought 277 lots in Casa Grande for $6,535,000, according to the commercial real estate tracking website Vizzda. The cost of the land, located at the southwest corner of Peart and McCartney roads in Casa...
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Uniting the vision for Pinal County
Pinal Partnership Series Breakfast
Email from Pinal Partnership Seats filling fast - Register Now! Pinal County Water Update Join us for our March 7th Breakfast continuing our Partnership Series. This month features a Pinal
Regional Transportation Press Release
Email from Pinal Partnership CART and Cotton Express Transit Plan needs your Feedback! Regional Transportation Press Release Coolidge Short-Range Transit Plan Looks to Improve Existing Tra...Pinal Partnership Series Breakfast
Email from Pinal Partnership Seats filling fast - Register Now! Pinal Partnership Series - Mayoral Update Join us for our February 7th Breakfast continuing our Partnership Series. This month featu