Pinal Partnership October Government Relations Committee Meeting Recap:

An update from Supervisor Jeffrey McClure, District 4 on issues facing the county
The October Pinal Partnership Government Relations Committee (PPGRC) heard from Pinal County Supervisor Jeff McClure of District 4. Supervisor McClure’s district runs from SaddleBrooke to Maricopa.
Supervisor McClure discussed roadway and infrastructure needs, growth, housing needs, workforce development and water shortages as some of the top priorities of the county. He said the county is still waiting to hear the AZ Supreme Court decision on the RTA, which provides critical transportation infrastructure funding in the county.
Supervisor McClure also touched on the filling of vacant legislative seats. Tami Ryall from Pinal County invited people to watch the interviews to fill the legislative vacancies in public tomorrow and streamed on the County website. Click here for the agenda and link. Interviews conducted for LD8 will be from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm and LD11 from 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm. The LD8 candidates are Neal Carter, Chuck Gray, Joe Lutrario and the LD11 candidates are Kirk Fiehler, Teresa Martinez, and Steve Smith.
There was also a brief discussion on the 2020 Census. Tami indicated they are going to go through census data to ensure errors are corrected and cited private prison counts as an area of concern. GIS from cities, towns and the county will examine census block data for the next six months.
Supervisor McClure closed by saying is pleasantly surprised at the abundance of ways the county can help people.
Rebecca Timmer, Co-Chair of PPGRC added that the recent ACEC Roads & Streets Conference and Rural Transportation Summit were well attended by Pinal County representatives.
This meeting was Dale Wiebusch’s (City of Maricopa) first as new PPGRC Co-Chair. Thank you, Dale for stepping up!