Workforce development critical for Pinal’s future, panel says
by Heather Smathers | Casa Grande Dispatch

Evelyn Casuga of Central Arizona College, right, moderates a panel discussion Friday on the county’s workforce development. From left are Aaron Moon from Arizona@Work, John Scrogham of J.O. Combs Unified School District, Judee Jackson of Pinal Alliance for Economic Development and Darry Welker of Sundt Construction. They discussed the future of the county’s workforce at CAC’s Signal Peak Campus Friday.
Heather Smathers/PinalCentral
Teaching soft skills and offering internships are just two ways schools and employers can partner to encourage workforce development, according to a panel discussing education in the county.
Today’s high school students need to be taught more than resume writing if they’re to be successful in a career field, said John Scrogham, the career and technical education director at the J.O. Combs Unified School District in San Tan Valley.
“Regardless of what technical skills they come with, they need to be able to get the job and keep the job,” he said.