Ethanol flowing again at Pinal Energy


Pinal Energy constructed a pilot plant next to its corn:milo ethanol plant in Maricopa, Ariz., to test sweet sorghum production processes. / Pinal Energy photo

By Brian Wright | Maricopa Monitor

It took a little more than a year, but Pinal Energy is back.

One of Maricopa’s largest employers, Pinal Energy laid off most of its workers at the end of 2012 and completely halted production – a move that was forced by a weak ethanol market.

However, by March of this year, the market had bounced back, and Pinal Energy was ready to resume business.

Matt Rynearson, plant manager at Pinal Energy, told the Maricopa Monitor that his company hired back about 40 employees, putting staffing levels at the same point they were prior to the plant’s shutdown.
