by Melissa | Oct 1, 2018 | Coolidge, Development, Organizations, Real Estate
Nikola to Pinal County – Pinal becoming electric vehicle hub! For our October breakfast, please help us welcome yet another Electric Vehicle Innovator, Nikola Corp, to Pinal County! It’s no secret why this start-up already has $11B pre-order reservations –...
by Melissa | Sep 27, 2018 | Coolidge, Development, Organizations, Real Estate
DAV to open second location on Coolidge’s Main Street by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner Another building downtown will now be occupied thanks to a newly approved lease agreement between the Disabled American Veterans and the city of Coolidge. The City...
by Melissa | Sep 12, 2018 | Coolidge, Development, Government
Coolidge gives green light to Nikola Motors agreement by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner Plans to develop a million-square-foot semi-truck plant within the Coolidge city limits took one step closer to becoming reality Monday night. During its regularly scheduled...
by Melissa | Aug 28, 2018 | Coolidge, Development
Semi-truck plant announced in Coolidge, would employ up to 2,000 by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner A company that specializes in the development of hybrid trucks has decided on Coolidge as the ideal spot to develop a manufacturing plant, less than a year after...
by Melissa | Aug 23, 2018 | Coolidge, Development, Transportation
Archeologists give green light for traffic signal near Ruins by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner Construction of a new traffic light to be located near the entrance of the Casa Grande Ruins in Coolidge could be underway soon after archeologist completed an...
by Melissa | Aug 16, 2018 | Coolidge, Government
Coolidge council considers allowing marijuana growing at homes by Rofida Khairalla | Coolidge Examiner Although a state law may allow patients and caregivers to cultivate marijuana for medical use at home, many municipalities have not been so eager to give the...