Pinal Partnership News
Pinal Partnership Posts:
Florence’s pandemic grant program is helping local attractions
Florence’s pandemic grant program is helping local attractions For-profit and nonprofits benefiting from ‘Returning Stronger’ by Janet Perez | Florence Independent The Town of Florence has given out nearly $319,000 to small businesses affected by the coronavirus...
Local violent crime up, but Florence still ranked safest in AZ
Local violent crime up, but Florence still ranked safest in AZ by Mark Cowling | Florence Reminder & Blade Tribune Despite having a violent crime rate higher than the next five cities, Florence once again topped the list of Arizona’s safest cities as determined by...
Comment period begins on Pinal’s five-year roads plan
Comment period begins on Pinal's five-year roads plan by Mark Cowling | Maricopa Monitor A 30-day comment period has begun for Pinal County’s 2021 Five-Year Transportation Improvement and Maintenance Program, and runs through May 17. The Pinal County Board of...
GRIC to get fourth casino under new tribal pact with state
GRIC to get fourth casino under new tribal pact with state by Howard Fischer | Capitol Media Services Arizona tribes are going to get at least four new casinos — and possibly more — along with more slot machines, more games of chance and the right to take wagers on a...
Progress is in the pavement with Gateway Freeway construction project
Progress is in the pavement with Gateway Freeway construction project San Tan Sentinel Crews put down pavement on State Route 24 west of Ironwood Drive. /Arizona Department of Transportation A project to add five miles of travel lanes to the Phoenix area’s newest...
Coolidge loses one Burger King proposal, potentially gains another
Coolidge loses one Burger King proposal, potentially gains another by Aaron Dorman | Coolidge Examiner Fast growth in Coolidge has been met with demand for fast food. When will Coolidge get its long-awaited Burger King? Approval for a franchise located at Arizona...
P&Z approves zoning change to allow rental community
P&Z approves zoning change to allow rental community by Jay Taylor | inMaricopa A rendering of Honeycutt Run. Credit: Sandbox Development Associates Maricopa may get more single-family rental homes if a project approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission gains...
Superior mayor, tribal officials spar over bill to stop Oak Flat mine
Superior mayor, tribal officials spar over bill to stop Oak Flat mine by Sarah Oven | Cronkite News The mayor of Superior told a House panel Tuesday that a bill canceling a massive copper mine at Oak Flat would be “devastating” for the Pinal County town and its hopes...
CAVIT plans for future with new programs, new classrooms
CAVIT plans for future with new programs, new classrooms by Aaron Dorman | Coolidge Examiner The illustration shows what a classroom add-on, white building, at CAVIT could look like./CAVIT The Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology, like all schools in the...
City OKs $1M for East-West Corridor right of way
City OKs $1M for East-West Corridor right of way by Jay Taylor | inMaricopa The Maricopa City Council has approved funding to acquire a right of way along Farrell Road for the long-awaited East-West transportation corridor. The proposed parkway will eventually connect...
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Pinal Partnership
Uniting the vision for Pinal County
Pinal Partnership Series Breakfast
Email from Pinal Partnership Seats filling fast - Register Now! Pinal County Water Update Join us for our March 7th Breakfast continuing our Partnership Series. This month features a Pinal
Regional Transportation Press Release
Email from Pinal Partnership CART and Cotton Express Transit Plan needs your Feedback! Regional Transportation Press Release Coolidge Short-Range Transit Plan Looks to Improve Existing Tra...Pinal Partnership Series Breakfast
Email from Pinal Partnership Seats filling fast - Register Now! Pinal Partnership Series - Mayoral Update Join us for our February 7th Breakfast continuing our Partnership Series. This month featu